This meeting has been noticed
according to the Brown Act rules. |
Advisory Committee Members
City of Carmel-by-the-Sea Sean ConroyCity of Del Rey Oaks Ron LangfordCity of Monterey Chip RerigTodd Bennett, AlternateCity of Pacific Grove Doug RickCity of Sand City Steve Matarazzo City of Seaside Diana Ingersoll, ChairCounty of Monterey Al Mulholland Monterey Peninsula Airport District Thomas GreerMPWMD Contacts: General Manager, David A. Berger Water Demand Manager,Stephanie Pintar
AGENDA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District *************** June 7, 2005, 9:30 AM District Conference Room,
5 Harris Court, Building G, Monterey, CA |
Call to Order |
from Public |
public may comment on any item within the District’s jurisdiction. Please limit your comments to three minutes
in length. |
Action Items |
1. |
Receive Minutes of April 5, 2005 Technical Advisory Committee MeetingAction: Review and receive committee
meeting minutes. Public comment will be received. |
2. |
Discuss Common Methodology for Long-Term Water NeedsAction:
The TAC will review and discuss the draft water needs estimates for each
jurisdiction and a summary of the estimates. Public comment will be received.
Comments by Technical Advisory Committee Members |
Adjournment |